Badge reader

lettore badge eteria

Badge reader

It is a device designed for personal badge cards reading with magnetic stripe: each user has a badge card. By passing the card into the reader, system recognizes driver or passenger. Installation takes place by fixing the reader to the vehicle dashboard with glue or screws, and connecting GPS tracking device cable (Eteria Mobile Tracker). GPS reads card code in use, next it sounds for a correct reading, flashes and records code on the cloud. This device can be used mainly for two reasons:

  • Crew certification
    When employees work check is needed, or it is required to certify their presence on the vehicle for administrative purposes, badge allows to associate the services with the driver who performed them.
  • Users certification
    By handing a badge card to each vehicle user (eg dialysis patients), their presence can be registered automatically.


For any other kind of customization, Eteria is available to evaluate activity: additional functions implementation is generally evaluated as a special project.