Administration interface
It is very simple to create a carsharing or car rent fleet: first you need to enter the fleet administrator's data
Then you need to enter the fleet information, including the operational area (KML) and billing information
At least one vehicle must be associated with the fleet. Vehicle information can be already available or it can be entered now.
When a vehicle is inserted, mandatory information are few: plate, chassis and the specific hardware “driver”.
Now carsharing service is ready: Administrator can check the dashboard to know how many vehicles are associated with the fleet, how many newly registered users must be approved, etc.
Using the map the administrator knows all vehicles position and their state of use: available, unloaded, out of service area, under maintenance, etc.
For each vehicle it is possible to know all information in real time: administration interface is available also for operators on the road, who work to grant fleet availability.
Fleet manager can check personal information about all fleet users subscribed. This information can be changed and users activated or deactivated as he wants.
User minute package purchase is stored like an order and the fleet manager sees all the orders concerning users of his fleet.
It is available a list containing all trips made by connected cars, and for each trip it is possible to check when the trip is started, where, the end, cost and modify single information.
Each fleet can be associated with minute packages that can be customized by the fleet manager: these packages will be visible for purchase in the app by the fleet users. Packages are editable and can be deleted.
All the platform settings are combined in a single page available to the administrator, who can configure all the parameters as he like.
Even the platform emails templates are customizable and can be translated as needed