English Italiano

Last mile delivery

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If your need is to create daily tasks, such as deliveries, this is the right tool for you: tasks can be assigned to field operators using the Eteria tracking application for Android and Apple phones.

It’s all very simple: to create a task, go to Tools → Tasks (the Italian version is also available).


A new window will appear, asking you to fill in the necessary details for the task, such as pickup and delivery addresses, task name, priority, description, and the user who will handle the task.



Once all the information has been entered, select “Save” and open the Eteria tracking application on your phone. From the app, go to the Tasks tool, where you will see the tasks assigned to the user. To accept a task, press “Accept.”



Once the task is completed, you can leave a signature confirming that the task is finished.


To view the status of all the tasks created, select the “All Tasks” option from the Tasks feature on the web platform. You can also view the signature for completed deliveries.


To learn more, click here.



About Us

We provide management platforms and telematic devices that make the management of your company fleet smarter.
Our targets are to reduce fuel consumption, monitor fleet vehicles, optimize mobility, calculate in 10 seconds the fastest route for each of your drivers who make deliveries, send messages and assign new missions to your employees, manage the remote car sharing with keyless access (virtual keys on smartphone).

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